Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 20

Oh my gosh...only a few days left! Let's get the momentum going again!

1. {Eva} donated 5 hot meals to the Portland Rescue Mission.

2. {Eva} made a donation to the NSPCA Dewey Animal Shelter where she rescued her pup Spartacus.

3. {Blair} bought scratch-it tickets for everybody in her apartment building and put them in her mailbox.

4. {Sam} gave a homeless, handicapped veteran some money to buy himself some lunch.

5.{Kayla} bought a homeless man hot chocolate from McDonalds and he told her stories of his family and made her smile.

6. {Chris} tipped a very nice, even in the cold and rain, gas attendant $5.

7. {Dylan} took his team baked holiday cookies at practice.

8. {Eva & Brian} tipped their server 50%.

9. {Eva} left candy canes on cars in her neighborhood.

10. {Christine} donated her time and baking skills to a child's charity fundraiser.

11. {Anonymous} surprised someone with a box of their favorite fudge when he heard they were having a bad day.

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