Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 15

1. {Jenna} helped the cashier take clothes off of hangers and bag her Christmas gifts so the line could move quicker.

2. {Cheryl} donated to the KGW toy drive.

3. {Kyle} gave his BOGO Starbucks drink to a security guard on duty.

4. {Karen} saved shoe boxes and other crafting supplies for a teacher who needed them for her class' project.

5. {Rob} was attending a youth group meeting and one of the kiddos that he works with was short on her dues. He gave her the money that she needed to be caught up.


  1. I have a friend (teacher) who needs shoe boxes for a project. I save them all year. I delivered a garbage bag full of boxes and a bag if golf balls. (I can't remember if I posted this?)
